Mercedes Benz Global Approval on SP-5.3 Double Pulse MIG

Pro Spot International, manufacturer of tools and equipment for the collision repair industry, has announced global Mercedes Benz approval for its new SP-5.3 Smart Pulse MIG welder.

The SP-5.3 features 300A 3 phase 200-240V or 400-480V input. MIG/MAG Double Pulse, Root welding, MIG/MAG synergic, MIG/MAG manual, TIG DC Lift Arc and MMA (stick) is some of the features of the welder.

The SP-5.3 was derived from industrial standard welding machines, but is customized for the collision repair industry. Microprocessor-controlled, it provides excellent welding performance on aluminum, silicon bronze and steel. It’s range of performance includes exceptional welds on thin aluminum sheets, as well structural repairs.

The unique features of the SP-5.3 is that in contains 3 torches and wire spools for immediate use such as Aluminum, Silicon Bronze (CUSI) and Steel. The smart software switches to correct weld programs and gas automatically upon the trigger of the torch to be used. There is no need for expensive Push-Pull torches for perfect Aluminum welding.

It’s OEM ready for programming of specific weld parameters for specific OEM's requirements and easily updates via USB.


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